If you are interested in taking the spring 2020 Patient Care Technology Program at the new Health Science Center in Terrell - attend the orientation and sign up on November 1st Applicants will need to have applied for the college and completed at least 1 of the 3 required Hepatitis B vaccinations by October 15, 2019. The orientation will be at 1551 SH 34 South in Terrell, Room 325. Enter on the 1st door on the side and follow the signs.
One Semester Patient Care Technology program includes Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) Certified Nurse Aide and Patient Care Tech. Courses are taught both in Fall and Spring
Semesters at the TVCC Health Science Center, Terrell, Texas. PCT is a great way to train for entry-level nursing assistant and an effective stepping-stone to Nursing School.
Your training will include all basic nursing skills plus sterile technique and related skills. You will have forty hours of long-term care clinical, and eighty hours of hospital clinical, plus classroom and skills lab.
For more information contact the Health Science Center Counselor at 972-932-5721 or jballom@tvcc.edu.
Former Patient Care Technology students share their experiences:
“The PCT program was a great stepping stone between my general education courses
and nursing school. This program provided me with the necessary skills to not only
care for the patient’s physical needs, but to also become comfortable with patient
contact and communication. The classroom and clinical experience can’t be beat.”
“The PCT class helped me tremendously to prepare for the ADN program. Not only
did it allow me to boost my GPA at the last minute, it gave me the opportunity to
gain some experience with my basic skills. I was able to care for patients for my
first time and become more comfortable in the clinical setting which gave me the
“upper hand” over most of the new ADN students. I would highly recommend the
PCT course to anyone who is considering a higher level career in the medical field.”
“ I feel the PCT program laid the foundation for my nursing career and helped me by
being able to work in the clinical setting prior to starting nursing school…I highly rec-
ommend the PCT program. It is a great step in the nursing pathway.”